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McNairy Library and Learning Forum Policies

3D Printing

3 – D   P r i n t i n g   @   t h e   L i b r a r y



Currently enrolled Millersville University students in good standing with the Library.



All prints will be executed by DLS staff during their hours of operation. Longer prints may be done overnight in order to keep the printer available during the day.


Printing Priority:

All items will be printed on a first come first serve bases, with the exception of items being printed for academic reasons (relating to a class) which will be given priority over recreational prints.



All payments will be made after completion of the item at the time of pickup. The DLS will withhold any items until payment is made.


3D Printing Service Terms of Use:

Those utilizing the library’s 3D printer must do so for lawful purposes. Objects made using the Digital Learning Studio 3D printer are not for commercial use and are not to be resold. Users must abide by all applicable laws and policies as stated below, while respecting the health and safety of the University community. Library staff reserves the right to decline any print request for any reason. The Library cannot guarantee model quality or stability, confidentiality of designs, or specific delivery times.




Copyright law under Title 17 of the United States Code, patent law under Title 35 of the United States Code, and other intellectual property laws of the United States may govern the making of photocopies or other reproductions of content. Under 17 U.S.C. § 108(f)(2) the provision of unsupervised photocopy or reproducing equipment for use by patrons does not excuse the person who uses the reproduction equipment from liability for copyright infringement for any such act, or for any later use of such copy or phonorecord, if it exceeds fair use as provided by 17 U.S.C. § 107. Nor does it excuse the person who uses the reproducing equipment from liability for patent, tort or other laws.

This institution reserves the right to refuse to make available or provide access to photocopy or other reproducing equipment if, in its judgment, use of such equipment would involve violation of copyright, patent or other laws.




Under Millersville University policy, no weapons or life-like replicas are allowed on campus, nor may anyone produce them in the Digital Learning Studio. This includes parts of weapons, ammunition, and defensive as well as offensive weapons. If you aren’t sure what constitutes a weapon, please consult a staff member.



Federal Depository Library Program logo - graphic eagle icon McNairy Library • Millersville University9 North George St., Millersville, PA 17551 • (717) 871-7111 • Comments? Let us know!

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