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Video - Evaluating Resources using the C.R.A.A.P. Test (2:09 min)

This video provides a basic overview of how to use the C.R.A.A.P. Test. If you are having difficulty understanding the purpose of the C.R.A.A.P. Test then this video might help.

Video - Using the C.R.A.A.P. Test to evaluate web resources (5:00 min)

This video demonstrates the C.R.A.A.P. Test "in action". Follow along as the librarian evaluates websites on the topic of performance enhanicng drugs in sports.

Video - Citation, a very brief introduction (1:52 min)

MLA Citation Resources

The MLA Handbook is the resource you will need when formatting your in in-text citations and your Works Cited page. It is available at the library circulation desk, in the Reserve section.

MLA Citation Style

MLA Citation Generation Websites

These citation generators can make it easier to generate citations for your "Works Cited" page. It is always possible that the generator can make a mistake. It is your responsibility to check what is generated against the rules in  the MLA Handbook. The MLA Handbook is available in Reserves at the Circulation Desk.

**If you are using an article from one of the databases, the databases often have citation generation capability. Their accuracy is getting much better but they do sometimes make mistakes with capitalization. 

APA Citation Style and Grammar Guidelines


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