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SPAN 333 - Spanish American Civilization: Home

Spanish American Civilization from the Pre-Columbian times to the wars of independence (1824).

Particulars of the Paper Project

The basics for the paper:

  1. Must be at least six pages in length.  Written entirely in Spanish, typewritten and doubled spaced.
  2. Must have a title that reflects the topic of the paper.
  3. The paper and bibliography must follow the MLA style.
  4. Consult, quote and cite from at least four valid sources of information.

"Valid" sources of information for the purposes of this paper are scholarly academic peer reviewed types of resources.

Of particular note:

The textbook can be used as a source of information, but will not count as one of the 4 sources required.  Consider using the textbook for the brief overview and seeing what kind of additional resources might exist that the textbook author used in his work.


Suggestions for topics:

  1. Causas de la decadencia de la cultura maya
  2. Contraste el régimen político de los incas con el de los aztecas.
  3. Comparación de la conquista española de México con la colonización inglesa de Norteamérica.
  4. La labor de fray Bartolomé de las Casas en la conquista de América.
  5. Impacto y repercusión de la Inquisición en América.
  6. Comparación entre la censura y la Inquisición en Hispanoamérica y los excesos puritanos en Massachusetts.
  7. Valoración del intercambio entre el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo
  8. Estado de los lenguajes indígenas americanos
  9. Las Leyes de Indias y su impacto en la América Hispana
  10. Razones por las que Cuba y Puerto Rico no consiguieron la independencia entre 1810-1824
  11. Estratificación social en el Nuevo Mundo
  12. Papel de los criollos en las guerras de independencia en las Américas.

Actual topics selected for final research paper:

1.     The economic, political and social effects of the social stratification in the New World
2.     Political and economic reasons why Puerto Rico and Cuba stayed as colonies of Spain after the wars of independence
3.     Comparison between slavery in the United States and the Spanish colonies.
4.     The role of religion in the colonization of the United States and the Spanish colonies.
5.     Comparison between the political regime of the Incas and the Aztecs
6.     Mythological origin of the Incas
7.     How pigmentocracia was established and regulated in the New World?
8.     Bartolome de Las Casas and the concept of human rights
9.     Machismo in the colonial times
10.  Comparison between the conquest of Mexico and North America

Evaluating Information

Regardless of where you are getting your information, you need to be aware of a few simple attributes about whatever information you are using.

When evaluating information, here are five helpful considerations:

Currency: timeliness of the information.

Relevance: importance of the information for your need.

Authority: source of the information.

Accuracy: reliability, truthfulness, correctness.

Purpose: reason that the information exists.

Finding Scholarly Research

Library Search ( nearly everything )

Advanced Library Search:      

MLA Citation Style

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Scott Anderson
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