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For Faculty

Library Instruction for Classes

Check out our Instruct Learning Objects for information literacy instruction tutorials and videos that can be embedded in D2L

Empowering students through instruction is one of the primary missions of our library. Librarians are available to assist in the planning of research assignments or provide library research instruction for class(es).

Subject Librarians

General Education Information Literacy

This guide has been assembled to enable easy access to materials that will facilitate your teaching of information literacy across the General Education curriculum. 


Links to copyright guidelines, resources to determine fair use, and current news.

McNairy Library Classroom 104A & 104B Reservation Policy 

McNairy Library welcomes Millersville faculty members who might benefit from the unique active learning capabilities of the classroom to utilize the instructional space during the first and last weeks of the semester.

Request a Proxy Patron

Faculty members can give students permission to check items out in that faculty members name. To do this, email with the student(s) name, M-number, and the semester you would like to give them permission for. If an end date is not given, the proxy will expire at the end of the semester permission is granted. Faculty can also provide a letter to the Circulation Desk.

Course Reserves

Physical items (either personal or library copies) or electronic items (books, chapters, articles, DVDs, etc.) can be placed on reserve with the library for students to use throughout the semester. Physical items are available at the library's circulation desk for students to check-out. Electronic items are available through the library's online Course Reserves system and can be accessed from anywhere, anytime. 

To place items on reserve:

  1. Fill out the appropriate form to add your course and items to the Course Reserves system and email the form to
  2. Deliver the items to library:
    • For electronic items that have already been scanned and cropped, please send the pdf(s) and request form(s) to
    • For physical items and electronic requests that need to be scanned, please drop the item(s) and request(s) off at the Library’s circulation desk.
  3. Email with any questions.  

To have the Library Clone/Copy/Renew previous course reserves materials for an upcoming/current course:

  • Send an email to with the Course Number / Code, materials from the course, and which semester you want the course materials available for.
  • Or – fill out a course reserves form and deliver it to the library in-person or via email:

Ask a Librarian


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Ask a Librarian Hours: Sunday: 5pm-8pm, Monday-Thursday: 9am-8pm, Friday: 9am-12pm (hours vary during university breaks)


Federal Depository Library Program logo - graphic eagle icon McNairy Library • Millersville University9 North George St., Millersville, PA 17551 • (717) 871-7111 • Comments? Let us know!

© Copyright 2016. All Rights Reserved. Millersville University is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Institution. A Member of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education.