This instagram account higlights women artists. Katy Hessel is an art historian who highlights both contemporary female artists as well as female artists in history. Katy states that her goal is "to readdress the gender imbalance in the art world by reinserting women back into the canon of art history."
Ask a Librarian Hours: Sunday: 5pm-8pm, Monday-Thursday: 9am-8pm, Friday: 9am-12pm (hours vary during university breaks)
Public Domain Image by Linnaea Mallette
University libraries are organized differently than public libraries. In a university library browsing will not be the best way for you to find books on your topic. Example: You are looking for a book on Modernism. You will find books in N (Fine Art), NK (Decorative Arts), NA (Architecture), etc. Within each of those there are subclasses of information. It's complex! It is best to search the library catalog and write down the call number and title of the books that you think best meet your needs.
If you are unsure how to find books in a university library, then watch this video. It explains how to search the library catalog to identiy a book to help with an assignment. The second part shows how to locate that book once you have the call number.
NOTE: If you view on YouTube there are timestamps to allow you to jump to spectific sections of the video.
"Library Search" will search almost all of the library's databases. While it will search Jstor, from time to time you may need to search that database seperately.
This video describes how to effectively use Library Search using the advanced search features and filters. It also covers saving and cition information. This video explains how to access the article from PDF, "Find It at Millersville", and "Request It" options.
The first part of this video explains scholalry sources. About halfway through there will be a review of the parts that make up a scholarly article, making it easier to identify one when searching the library databases.
Video Tutorial: How to Read Scholarly Materials
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